
Kicking poverty

Did your mum ever tell you not to play with balls in the house, in case you break a light? Well mum, fear no more. The guys at Uncharted Play have come up with the wicked idea of Soccket – a ball that becomes a light, in a bid to Soccket to the power companies and help developing countries find an alternative source of power. Kicking the ball around for just 30 minutes creates enough kinetic energy to power the LED light for 3 hours and, as the ball’s airless and deflation-proof, there’s no need to pump it up.

Weighing in at only 500g heavier than a normal ball and imminently available for pre-order, the Soccket has the support of Bill Clinton, Ashton Kutcher and Bill Gates to name but three. Giving a child in the developing world a ball they play with religiously, don’t need to pump up, is waterproof and turns into a light…. that’s our kind of thinking.