Rocket Gardens

They sow, you grow

This is the sort of sweet setup you dream of retiring to: lush farm acreage, your very own produce and a handful of adorable livestock. For those of us not blessed with green thumbs, Rocket Gardens do the hard yards for you. Set in the farmlands of south England, team Rocket seed baby organic vegetables and herbs. Once they can be managed with nothing more than a little sun and water, they’re delivered to your door in recycled packaging.

As if rampant germination wasn’t enough, Rocket Gardens also offer boutique camping – where (again) they do it all for you. Picture yourself in a luxury tent set in an acre of private meadow (heart skips a beat), equipped with an eco-bathroom, wood burning stove and solar lighting… A place where you can pick your own veggies and collect eggs from your own chickens (squeeee!). Now, thanks to these wonderful time-saving, eco-friendly graziers, camping and growing greens is bearable and stress-free.