Place of Diversity

O Canada

There’s no doubt about it, Canada is raising the bar for caring about people. Their most recent acknowledgement of human rights will turn your heart into warm porridge and make your eyes leak with soft relief that not every country in the world is madly spiraling backward. The LGBTQ+ community has been braving a seemingly relentless storm of rights violations and social dissent forever, but a little rainbow has come out in Québec. Thanks to a city-funded installation celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Constitution of Canada (*hums National Anthem*).

Two young designers, Jessy P. Method and Audrey Morency, were commissioned to create a work that marks milestones reached and progress to come for our LGBTQ+ friends. The result was Place of Diversity – a perspex rainbow just waiting for an audience to walk through its colours, literally and figuratively. More impressive still, is these artists have taken a heavy subject matter and kaleidoscoped it into one of the most joy-invoking experiences we could imagine stumbling upon. It’s also a real special touch to Canada’s recent upgrade to the Human Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination against transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Nice work Canada – you Trudeaun’t mess around.