Mi Papá Estuvo En La Selva

Put my book down, plant it and reverse it

Don’t get us wrong, we love an informed society as much as the next guy, but books do take up a fair amount of space and they’re not exactly Mother Nature’s best friend. Tackling the problem head on is Argentina-based publishing company Pequeño Editor, which recently released Mi papá estuvo en la selva (translation: my father was in the jungle) – a children’s book that you can plant once you’ve finished reading.

Plantable books make so much sense we’re actually a bit sad we didn’t think of it. Like there’s plantable paper so of course there would eventually be a plantable book. Enabling us to discard our books in a sustainable way AND plant a tree while we do it? It’s the future. Boasting acid-free paper and ecological ink, Pequeño Editor’s release is raising the publishing bar and encouraging kids to read, recycle and garden. By giving a book a new life – actually just returning it to its old life – Pequeño Editor are truly onto something.