Hilla Shamia


Some artificial things are inherently good. Slankets. Prosthetic limbs. Filters that make every slapdash phone-photo look like a childhood snap from the 70s. On the other hand, some artificial things are bad. See Crocs. That Aniston/Butler showmance. And Posh Spice’s cleavage, circa the solo career. One person utilising artificial for good not evil, however, is Israeli furniture designer Hilla Shamia, and her Wood Casting collection of household pieces.

This range of tables and stools juxtaposes sharply-moulded, angular aluminum with wood in its natural, irregular form. Pouring the molten metal into and around the natural curves of the wood creates a charred effect that’s offset by the cool angularity of the metal. “The general, squared form intensifies the artificial feeling,” says Shamia, “and at the same time keeps the memory of the material.”