
The lost art of communication

In this brave new world of ours, it’s a wonder we ever leave the house. Working remotely, shopping online and socialising via our laptops all leave us with no real reason to bother getting dressed. Whilst permanently embracing threadbare tracksuits and comedy hair may seem initially attractive to the sloth within, this loss of routine human interaction is actually, in our humble opinion, a complete and utter screw of the proverbial pooch. And it’s a loss that’s beautifully illustrated in Kingston University graphic design graduate Leanne Bentley‘s Commemorate.

Creating typographic hoardings to be displayed at three closed-down buildings across London, Commemorate features the words of local residents reminiscing over a now-defunct bingo hall, pub and launderette. In an era where every house is an island, it’s easy to forget that daily life used to be played out against a back-drop of regular trips to your local strip of shops and businesses. Nowadays, and in communities where there’s little opportunity to rub shoulders with your neighbours, the quotes in Commemorate seem eerily like echoes of a ever-more distant time.