
So fresh and so green

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – sometimes the simplest ideas are the ones that really BLOW OUR TINY MINDS. We’re still reeling from our encounter with FreshPaper – sheets of sweet-smelling, organic paper that increases the shelf-life of fresh produce by 2-4 times. Originally designed for the developing world (and in response to the fact that a staggering 25% of the world’s fresh produce is lost to spoilage), FreshPaper is an entirely organic alternative to other food fresheners.

Developed when the inventor chanced upon the ingredients during a trip to India, affordable FreshPaper is pushed by Fenugreen – a social enterprise with the global mantra of ‘Fresh for all’. At 5″x5″, FreshPaper is small enough to be dropped in the vicinity of any perishable items you want to keep shipshape. As well as being recyclable, biodegradable and compostable (eco-swoon!), the inclusion of fenugreek makes for a distinctive maple syrup aroma that fades in sync with the sheet’s efficiency. SWEET.