Papillionaire Bicycles

No longer a hungry caterpillar

‘Papillionaire’ means ‘rich in butterflies’. And now it also means ‘bicycles’. Very nice bicycles at that. Even though their very own neologism may have French origins, Papillionaire design Dutch-inspired bicycles, all the way down-under, in Australia. Styled for urban dwellers, these beauties are the affordable designer bike, ensuring you ride with ease and comfort. There are two types to choose from; Classic or Sommer – both models are 3-speed and both share a clean contemporary design with a vintage feel by sourcing quality parts locally and abroad. How/where do you get one?

You can purchase a Papillionaire online of course! They mainly ship all over Australia but can ship worldwide on request, directly to you or to your nearest bike store (where they assemble it for you – win!). Papillionaire’s are available in a handful of beautiful colours and when you reach the customisation step, you’re beaming; you opt for the stunning leather saddle and grips because they’re too pretty to resist. Would you like a wicker basket and steel rear carrier too? Yes please! Test ride a Papillionaire at their Melbourne store or just buy one now, because you know you eventually will.