Lowline Lab

Bringing sunlight underground

Imagine a park that could sustain plant life underground. The Lowline Lab proved that it was possible, and then some. Built inside a former trolley terminal in New York, the exhibit used a wicked-cool remote skylight technology to direct light to whichever little planties needed it most. Wanting to show the viability of an underground park, Lowline boasted an impressive plant catalogue to test a number of different ways to grow vegetation below ground.

Plants weren’t the only thing brought to life below the streets of Manhattan, though. Due to close after just a few months, the lab proved popular enough to remain open for more than a year as a community park and learning centre, inviting local schools, community groups and young ambassadors to participate in the education process through workshops and tours that explained the science behind the park. Inventor James Ramsey and Executive Director/Co-founder Dan Barasch’s level-up (or level down, if you know what we mean) of Lowline may not be developed until 2020, but this immensely successful and highly-acclaimed proof of concept has strengthened an already tentatively approved proposal. It’s safe to say we’re more than excited to see what grows out of this.