Szczecin Philharmonic Hall

Beauty and beast

There’s architecture, then there’s uh-huh-tecture. And the Philharmonic Hall in Szczecin, Poland belongs to the jaw-dropping latter. This iconic building has been designed for one of the best reasons possible: music, and it’s so damn beautiful inside AND out – we’ve seriously just been staring at photos wishing we could see it up close for reals. You know you’ve kicked design goals when online creeps on the other side of the world see one image and want to visit a city they’ve never even heard of before.

The hall is designed by Barcelona-based geniuses Barozzi Veiga – who are also responsible for this, this and this, so it’s safe to say anything BV touches turns to gold. Our new favourite cultural outlet took seven years to get up, but it’s clear this beautiful beast was worth the wait. It’s structures like the Szczecin Philharmonic Hall that’ll outlive generations and benefit millions.