
A home run

When done right, there’s a beauty in tie-dye that’s quite charming, quite calming. Hell, when done wrong it still puts a smile on our faces. So when our beloved syrup-making friends Morris Kitchen recently announced a collaboration with Selyak – purveyors of lovely, natural hand-dyed linens – we were excited beyond belief. Selected, folded and bound by textile mastermind Karina Seljak, all Selyak napkins are dyed using an ancient Japanese technique called Shibori.

Seljak likens the process to cooking since there’s a recipe, but intuition is key. With fibres like tumeric and indigo to add colour, it also makes for a delicious-smelling workspace. Made in Brooklyn the Selyak napkins are probably the warmest addition to any kitchen. And as we’re all aware, it’s the little things that help make a house a home.