Urban Forest Project

Two is better than one

Trees. They do a lot for us humans, so it’s only right we care for them like they do for us. We adore the green-thumbing initiatives across the globe who spend their time taking care of their city’s greenery and one group by the name of Grand Rapids Urban Forest Project has recently caught our eye. A partnership between the people and council of Grand Rapids – these guys are so dedicated to the parks and public spaces of their city, you’ll want to get involved.

Part of the project’s pull is the wealth of information made available to all locals, including a detailed tree map that collects data, so you can add a sapling and keep up with its progress. And the stats don’t stop there. They provide the ‘Yearly Eco Impact’ of all trees – listing the benefits (greenhouse gas, water, energy and air quality) and how much has been saved moolah-wise. The Grand Rapids Urban Forest Project reminds us how important community is, how powerful data can be and what can be achieved when we band together. Bless.